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30-Day Logo Challenge

This page is special because it marks the beginning of me taking my graphic design journey seriously. When I decided that I wanted to be in the creative field for the rest of my life, I signed up for a 30 day logo challenge. This challenge required me to make one logo everyday for 30 days. I learned so much from this process, and I think it shows in the work that I created. Here are all 30 logos I made in order, from the first to the last, with some critiques, now that I have learned a lot more.

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Space is building coworking offices so that freelancers and small startup companies have a stunning office to work out of without paying the big bucks to buy or lease a large building"

The image of an office chair is an interesting idea though this execution could have been more clear

This font is nice. Clean and modern good choice for the brief 

This font is nice. Clean and modern good choice for the brief 

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"We're a small coffee shop chain located in Seattle, WA with five locations...The Grind prides itself on natural and local ingredients."

Coffee bean is nice though maybe too on the nose given the name of the brand

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Twitchy Rabbit is an email marketing platform similar to MailChimp and Twitchy the Rabbit is our mascot"

I enjoy the idea of having the icon of the rabbit replace the letter "a" though people may not be able to read this when it is small

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
 "Ping is a growing chat platform for businesses and small teams...What sets us apart is that we offer major features like group screen sharing, free of charge."

Not my favorite design I think the execution could have been better though it does kind of show what the brand does

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"We're a non-profit organization that preserves the life and habitat of wild animals throughout the world. Our organization is known for our passion and personal investment in the lives of animals."

I like the illustration though it could be more simple to make sure it works when it is small

I think a different font could represent the brand better 

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"1-800-Rosebud is an online flower shop which sells bouquets of flowers and gifts for any special occasion!"

I like the illustration of a rose replacing the "o" though I think it could be more clear that it is a rose

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Austin Run is a charitable event for autism research and raises money for families in need of care, education, and information. The event is so much fun and many people dress up in crazy outfits. Last year we had someone dressed as Darth Vader followed by 50 Storm Troopers!"

Overall I think this one could be better. I like the idea of using the Texas flag but I think it could be reworked into a better execution to represent the brand better

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
 "Sparked is a video game news website featuring the latest news in all video games, esports, and tech."

I think the execution of this one could be better also adding the name of the brand would not hurt

I enjoy this one it shows what the brand does in a playful way. I think the colors are a bit too vibrant and one letter could be changed instead of two to keep it readable when small

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Paint™ is a fantastic mobile app that allows you to take a photo of anything and it will automatically pull up the correct color in multiple formats including Sherwin Williams Paint, PANTONE Color, and many more."
Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Anchor is a clothing line for the nautical lovers! Many of our products are actually produced with recycled boat sail material."

I enjoy this one I think it is on the nose but it is nice and elegant. I think the font works well and the icon can be recognizable at any size

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"I'm in the final steps of opening a candy shop in the UK called Sweets. Yep, a pretty awesome and straight forward name! We'll offer a very wide variety of candy; just about anything you can imagine."

Could be more clear that this is chocolate without reading that this is a candy shop

I think this font works really well at representing what the brand does

I think this could benefit from adding the name of the brand

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Sword & Shield is an upcoming security system for tech companies. Our software includes password protection, server backups, malware protection, and more."

I enjoy this concept it is a bit on the nose. I also enjoy the color 

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"JJ Pizza has been serving the Chicago area with the very best pizza since 2002. We're rated #1 for the area and now it's time to step up our game!"

I enjoy the simplicity of this though I think it could do without the shadow on the right

I think this font is very fitting for the brand

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"BookWorm™ is a growing online bookstore and we're looking to get a logo designed."

I think the illustration could be better and I think this design is too on the nose for the brand. I think this logo could benefit from a redesign

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Pups is a new online subscription service focused on dog food, toys, and medicine delivery. Our users sign up for weekly or monthly delivery of premium dog food straight to their door!"

I enjoy this logo, the outline of the dog looks good and the font works with brand. Though it may be hard to see the detail when it is small

I enjoy this logo, I think the slash in the word tells what the brand does and I like the font. Though I do think that the knife image is not needed

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Sharp has been creating high quality cooking knives for over a decade. We're known for our craftsmanship, quality, and outstanding cuts."
Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Fast is an online form generator where users can generate and interact with any kind of form like W9, contracts, etc. It's perfect for freelancers and home business."

I think a different font could tell the brand story better 

I think there could be a better way to show what the brand does in this icon, though I like the orange color option more out of the two

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"I own a sushi bar in downtown Los Angelas and looking for a fresh logo! The name of my shop is called Sakura. This means flowering cherry (blossom) tree"

I think it would be more clear that this is a piece of sushi if there was slightly more detail 

I think this font is nice and is fitting for the brand

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"We're thrilled to see what amazing work you can do for the Hampton Cove Animal Hospital. The Hampton Cove area is known for it's mountains, so we'd love to incorporate some mountain(s) in the logo somehow, maybe in the background..."

I enjoy the imagery of this logo and I like that it works when it is small, the only thing to add would be the name of the brand

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Freelance is company for people just like you actually! We're an online system that helps freelancers (designers, artists, and all other creative types) manage their invoices, time, projects, client communication, etc. in one suite."

The color and design are nice though I do not think this font represents this brand correctly

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Sprinkles is an ice cream shop with stores across the United States. We pride ourselves in the best tasting ice cream on the planet. We've won numerous awards for our taste and innovative flavors. We're like the Willy Wonka of ice cream."

I think the ice cream is too detailed, I think of it were more simple the idea would still come across

I like the idea of the rainbow colors to represent sprinkles though I think too much is going on here.

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"As a designer, do you have your own personal logo? If not, design your own at this point for Challenge #22! If you have a current logo, are there ways you could improve it? Perhaps there are some ideas you can try for a new look?"

I do not think this is a terrible start though I think my current logo represents me better as an artist

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Deadbeat is an online music community focused on EDM, Drum & Bass, House, Dubstep, etc. type of music. Our close competitors for your reference are Monstercat and 99Lives."

I enjoy the font and image though when small I think the word mark would work well on it's own

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Avocado is an upcoming app for smart grocery shopping! Our bundle includes a mount for your phone to attach to the handle of your grocery cart/buggy and will scan each item as you put it in your cart. This keeps track of all kinds of awesome data including total price, calories and other nutritional information, recipe ideas based on what's in your cart, and more!"

I think this icon works for an app because it would be easy to find though I worry that it is too simple

I think this font is fitting for this brand because it is modern and simple

I enjoy this logo, I think it represents the brand well in a nice and simple way though the words might not be legible when small

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"The Wenatchee National Forest is home to beautiful mountains, water, and hiking trails..."
Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"My Wine is a new online service that delivers premium wine to your doorstep. You choose from a variety of tastes and preferences to pair up with your dinner plans.

I think illustration of the wine glass is not needed. I think the word mark could work by itself because the font and the color represent the brand the best

I think the flower behind the football in the icon is not needed

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"We work directly with the National Football League and get real-time health data from the athletes during games and practices. Each player wears a FitBit and everything from their heart rate to their speed gets sent to our app."

This font works because it represents the brand and what industry it is in

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"Fashionista is a women's fashion app that pairs your current wardrobe with amazing deals at local stores around you. For example, a user could enter in two pairs of jeans and one yellow shirt, and our app will return with other clothes that pair well with the those jeans and shirt as well as complimented outfits"

I like this font option the best because I think it represents the brand better that the second option

I like this icon though it might not be obvious that it is a shoe when small

Here is part of the brief that explains what this brand does: 
"FILM is a non-profit supporting film students with scholarships, free trips, etc. to reach their career goals. We've helped many well-known directors while they were students including some who had blockbuster success. The name FILM is the fist name of the four founders: Frank, Isabella, Logan, and Maria."

I enjoy both options for this logo though since the brand name is technically an acronym I think periods in between each letter would showcase that better

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