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Mud & Lotus - Branding

Mud & Lotus is a yoga center established in 2023. The owners came to me for a complete branding package with different options. This page shows everything I came up with and presented to them. First are some of the options that I gave them. After that is the logo that they chose from the presentation, plus all of the elements for it and some of my thoughts.

Initial Meeting Notes & Sketches

These are the notes that I took during my meeting with the owners. I asked them what I felt like were the most important questions to understand what they wanted for a logo and different branding materials.

These are some of the preliminary sketches that I came up with while thinking about the different logo options I wanted to provide the owners.

Different Logo Options

The owners wanted a lotus, not only to go with the name, but also to use as an icon. I gave them different options and they chose the one below!

Seven dots represent the seven chakras as well. I also wanted to use the brand colors to keep everything cohesive, simple, and clean.

There are seven dots to represent the seven chakras which are an important part of yoga.

The Chosen One!

The two dots not only bring the two sections of text together and make them look like one cohesive thing, but also represtent the two owners of the brand.

The owners wanted a serif font and liked this one the best. I think it gives an elegant and clean vibe, which is what they wanted.


They liked this lotus icon the best! I think it looks simple and clean. It works well in most circumstances which was the plan. 

Logo Color Options 

This green version of the logo can have two different color versions depending on the background to make it more versatile.

Primary Colors




Both the pink and green colors were described to me during our talks. From their descriptions, I came up with these colors. The pink is similar to what the middle of a real lotus flower looks like and the green represents the lily pads they grow on. The green is darker, however, to match the aesthetic of the brand.

Primary Font

Out of all the font options, they liked this one the most! I also like this one because it gives the aesthetic that they were looking for. I think this font works so well because it is elegant and flowy which is how yoga looks and feels.


The owners wanted to see what their logo would look like on something physical, so I made mock-ups of shirts and canvas bags because that is what they want to sell eventually. It also makes the logo more real in their eyes which helped them connect to it more.

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